蝦青素10% (益生粉紅素)Astaxanthin 10%
物理性質 Physical properties
中文名稱Chinese name : 蝦青素;益生粉紅素;雨生紅球藻粉
英文名稱English names : Astaxanthin
分子式 Molecular Formula: C40H52O4
分子量 Molecular weight : 596.85
結構式Molecular Structure :
CAS NO : 472-61-7
EINECS號: 207-451-4
產品規格 Analytical Specifications
外觀 Appearance紫褐色至紫紅色自由流動微囊粉 Violet-brown to Violet-red free flowing microcapsule
含量 Assay ≥10% HPLC
干燥失重 Loss on Drying ≤ 6.0%
重金屬Heavy Metal ≤ 10mg/KG
砷Arsenic ≤ 2mg/KG
鉛 Pb ≤ 2mg/KG
鎘Cadmium ≤ 0.1mg/KG
汞 Hg ≤ 0.1mg/KG
鋁 Al ≤ 5000 mg/KG
篩分分析 Sieve Analysis ≥95% 通過30目(US)through Sieve No.30(US)
產品應用 application
應用 :用于深海魚,如鱒魚 、鮭魚、鯛魚的養殖
Application: Used fdeep sea fish such as trout, salmon ,bream fish
建議添加量 Recommendations fsupplementation (UG/ kg 配合飼料compound feed)
鱒魚/鮭魚 Trout / salmon 50-100 蝦 shrimp 15-20
包裝及儲存 Packaging storage
包裝 :20KG/牛皮紙袋 、20KG/紙箱
儲存條件:本品對對潮濕,空氣,熱較敏感 ,應儲存在干燥,陰涼處,不宜露天堆放。一旦開封,盡快使用。
Packaging : 20kgs/paper beg\ 20kgs/paper carton
Shelflife : Storage stability min.36months in unopenediginal packaging
Storage conditions: Sensitive to moisture,oxygen,heat light, lt should be store in theiginal Unopened containers, Once opened, use contents quickly keep in shade dry places