杭州法瑪化學品有限公司創立于1992年,是一家集科工貿于一體的大型企業,多年來致力于醫藥原料及精細化工產品的研發、生產與***。我們的主要業務是合同定制與技術合作,在江蘇、江西和浙江均有工廠,已與世界各地一百多家客戶建立了緊密的業務關系,產品遠銷海內外。 Established in 1992, HZPH is your reliable partner for the life science industries involving lab scale research, commercial production and customized synthesis, we own one technical researching institute and two manufacturing plants, supplying a wide range of Active pharmaceutical ingredients, Chemical intermediates and Plant growth regulators, complete facilities and advanced technology assuring the top quality of our product! From us, you will get the first-class product and service!